R&D in Poland

What is an R&D center and why is Poland
a good destination
to set one up

By MOTIFE Insights, 12 March 2024

In the evolving global market, the role of Research and Development (R&D) centers has become pivotal for the advancement and innovation in various industries. Poland, with its strategic location in Europe and a growing reputation in the tech sector, is emerging as a leading destination for establishing R&D centers.

This blog post explores why Poland is an increasingly attractive location for R&D activities, highlighting its advantages from a pool of talent to government incentives. Read further to find out:

  • What is an R&D center?
  • Why to set up R&D center in Poland?
  • How to overcome possible challenges?
  • How Krakow become an R&D hub in Poland?

Check out also: Krakow IT Market Report 2024

What is an R&D center?

An R&D center in the IT and technology sector is a specialized facility where research and development activities focus on information technology and technological advancements. These centers are dedicated to exploring and creating new technologies, software, hardware solutions, and digital tools. The primary objective in these R&D centers is to foster innovation in the tech world, whether through developing groundbreaking software, enhancing cybersecurity measures, designing smarter algorithms, or creating more efficient computing systems.

Teams in these centers often include software developers, data scientists, systems engineers, and IT researchers. Their work is crucial for keeping tech companies at the forefront of technological trends, addressing emerging tech challenges, and meeting the rapidly changing demands of the digital era.

The R&D process in these centers involves a cycle of ideation, prototyping, testing, and refining technologies, ensuring continuous innovation and improvement in the IT and tech industry.

Research and Development in Poland

Key factors making Poland attractive for Research and Development

Pool of talented candidates

Education system. Poland's education system, particularly in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, is renowned for its high standards. Polish universities and technical institutes are producing a steady stream of highly qualified graduates, ready to contribute to R&D initiatives.

International experience. The candidate pool in Poland is highly proficient in collaborating with international companies, demonstrating experience in working alongside management and teams from diverse global locations.

Talent availability. Companies facing recruitment challenges in their home countries are increasingly turning to Poland to assemble entire development teams, attracted by its substantial talent pool of 360,000 IT specialists.

Government incentives

Tax benefits. The Polish government offers attractive tax incentives for companies engaging in R&D activities. The incentives like IP Box or Relief for Research and Development are designed to reduce the financial burden and encourage innovation.

Grants and funding. There are numerous grants and funding opportunities available for R&D projects in Poland, offered by both national and EU sources. For example the grants provided based on the Programme for supporting investments of major importance to the Polish economy for the years 2011-2030.

Strategic location

Geographical advantage. Poland's location in Central Europe serves as a strategic gateway to both Western and Eastern European markets. This unique positioning is crucial for companies aiming for a broad market reach.

Connectivity. Poland boasts a well-developed transport and technological infrastructure, facilitating easy movement of goods and seamless connectivity, essential for R&D operations.


The operational and living costs in Poland are comparatively lower than in many other European countries. This cost-effectiveness is a significant factor for companies considering establishing R&D centers, as it allows for more budget allocation towards research and development activities.

Check out also: Tax and business incentives in Poland blog post

R&D center in Poland

How to set up a Research and Development center in Poland

Conduct market research. Begin by conducting thorough market research and feasibility studies to understand the local ecosystem, including talent availability, cost factors, and specific industry dynamics in Poland. You can seek advice from a local partner such as MOTIFE to facilitate this phase.

Legal formalities. Register the business with the Polish authorities, obtain necessary permits, and ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.

Choose the right location. Consider factors like proximity to universities, tech hubs, access to skilled labor, and infrastructure facilities. Locations like Krakow, with technology parks and special economic zones, are often beneficial.

Team recruitment. Build a skilled team by hiring local talent. This can be done through partnerships with universities and using recruitment agencies specializing in tech and R&D sectors

Integrate into the local ecosystem. Establish collaborations with academic institutions, participate in local industry networks, and engage with other R&D entities to integrate into the local R&D ecosystem.

Financial planning. Budget for operational costs, understand tax obligations and explore funding opportunities. Utilize available government and EU grants and tax incentives for R&D activities.

Develop a strategic plan. Create a strategic plan that aligns with the company’s global R&D objectives and the opportunities in the Polish market. Continuously assess and adapt to the evolving technology landscape and invest in staff development.

Foster a culture of innovation. Encourage a culture of innovation and excellence within the R&D center to ensure long-term success and adaptability in the rapidly changing technological environment.

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Research and development center in Poland

Possible challenges of setting up an R&D center in Poland

Navigating bureaucracy and regulatory compliance. Establishing an R&D center in Poland, like in many countries, involves navigating through bureaucratic procedures and regulatory compliance, which can be complex and time-consuming.

Cultural and language barriers. Although Poland has a highly educated workforce, language and cultural differences can pose challenges in communication and integration for international companies.

Rapidly changing technology landscape. Keeping up with the fast-paced evolution of technology and ensuring that the R&D center remains at the cutting edge can be challenging.

Finding the right talent. Despite a large pool of qualified professionals, finding the right talent with specific skills required for advanced R&D projects can be difficult.

Solutions and practical advice

Partnering with local advisors. To navigate the bureaucratic and regulatory landscape, forming partnerships with local entities can be beneficial. These partners, familiar with the local regulations and procedures, can streamline the process.

Cross-cultural training and language programs. Investing in cross-cultural training and language courses for staff can bridge communication gaps. Hiring bilingual staff or translators can also facilitate smoother operations.

Collaboration with universities and tech hubs. Collaborating with local universities and tech hubs can help R&D centers stay abreast of technological advancements. These partnerships can also be a source of recruiting emerging talent.

Partner with local communities and associations. Engaging with local communities is a strategic approach to establishing a network in new areas and integrating into the existing business ecosystem effectively.

Focused recruitment strategies. Implementing targeted recruitment strategies, such as collaborating with local universities, attending career fairs, and offering internships, can help in attracting the right talent. Utilizing professional recruitment agencies that specialize in tech and R&D sectors can also be effective.

Leveraging government resources. Engaging with government programs that support R&D activities can provide additional support. This includes taking advantage of funding, grants, and tax incentives specifically designed for R&D centers.

Establishing clear objectives and roadmaps. Having clear objectives and strategic roadmaps for the R&D center ensures that the focus remains on relevant technologies and market needs. This approach helps in adapting quickly to technological changes.

Creating an inclusive work environment. Fostering an inclusive work environment that values diversity and encourages innovation is crucial. This includes providing equal opportunities, embracing different perspectives, and promoting a culture of collaboration.

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R&D (Research and development) in Krakow

Krakow as an attractive IT R&D center location in Poland

Krakow is increasingly recognized as a prime location for R&D centers in Poland, especially with the presence of the Krakow Technology Park (KTP), a key driver in the region's innovative landscape. KTP, known for its status as a Special Economic Zone, offers significant incentives and support for companies establishing R&D centers. These include tax reliefs, investment support, and a range of business development services, making it an attractive proposition for both domestic and international firms. The park has become a thriving ecosystem for technology and innovation, hosting a diverse range of companies, from startups to well-established tech giants, fostering an environment conducive to research and technological advancement.

The city's strong academic presence, with 8 higher education schools offering IT courses and research institutions, provides a steady flow of around 2 500 skilled graduates a year. This talent pool is complemented by Krakow's growing reputation as a tech hub, attracting top-tier IT professionals and engineers. The synergy between the educational institutions and the business sector, especially within the KTP, drives innovation and keeps the R&D activities in Krakow at the forefront of technological progress.

Furthermore, Krakow offers a cost-effective alternative to other European tech centers without compromising on the quality of resources and infrastructure. The city's well-developed infrastructure, high-quality office spaces, and connectivity make it an ideal location for R&D activities.

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R&D center in Krakow

Set up your R&D center in Poland with MOTIFE

Our comprehensive services include consulting and advisory, providing insights into the Polish market, and guiding you through legal and cultural landscapes. We specialize in entity setup and management, handling bureaucratic tasks, and ensuring compliance with local regulations.

Additionally, our recruitment services are tailored to build your ideal team, utilizing our extensive network to source skilled professionals suited to your R&D needs. With MOTIFE, you gain a knowledgeable partner that simplifies the process of setting up your R&D center, positioning you for success in Poland's dynamic and innovative environment.

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Learn more about what international companies have achieved with their Krakow tech labs by downloading our Krakow IT Market Report 2024

If you are interested in setting up your own engineering hub in Poland, contact us at MOTIFE to learn more.

If you are looking for interesting job opportunities in tech companies in Poland, check out open roles at motife.com/jobs.

Krakow IT Market Report 2024

Explore essential data on Poland's tech landscape.

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{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is an R&D center?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "An R&D center in the IT and technology sector is a specialized facility where research and development activities focus on information technology and technological advancements. These centers are dedicated to exploring and creating new technologies, software, hardware solutions, and digital tools. The primary objective in these R&D centers is to foster innovation in the tech world, whether through developing groundbreaking software, enhancing cybersecurity measures, designing smarter algorithms, or creating more efficient computing systems." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is a Research and Development center?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "An R&D center in the IT and technology sector is a specialized facility where research and development activities focus on information technology and technological advancements. These centers are dedicated to exploring and creating new technologies, software, hardware solutions, and digital tools. The primary objective in these R&D centers is to foster innovation in the tech world, whether through developing groundbreaking software, enhancing cybersecurity measures, designing smarter algorithms, or creating more efficient computing systems." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Why is Poland an attractive destination for a Research and Development center (R&D)?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Pool of talented candidates, government incentives, strategic location, and cost-effectiveness make Poland a perfect location to set up an R&D (Research and Development center)." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How to set up a Research and Development (R&D) center in Poland?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Setting up an R&D (Research and Development) center in Poland requires some research, legal formalities, and financial planning and strategic plan. To facilitate the process, it's worth using help from a local expert, like MOTIFE." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Why is Krakow an attractive location for an R&D center?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Krakow is increasingly recognized as a prime location for R&D centers in Poland, especially with the presence of the Krakow Technology Park (KTP), a key driver in the region's innovative landscape. KTP, known for its status as a Special Economic Zone, offers significant incentives and support for companies establishing R&D centers. These include tax reliefs, investment support, and a range of business development services, making it an attractive proposition for both domestic and international firms." } }] }