An IT specialist working on recruitment task

How to successfully recruit IT talent in Poland: 4 essential approaches

By MOTIFE Insights, 7 August 2023

The article below presents effective recruitment solutions to be considered when tapping into Poland IT talent market and helps to choose the strategy that suits your company's needs best.

This article is useful if you are:

  • Considering to build or expand an IT team in Poland and want to find out how to do it in a time and cost efficient way
  • Looking for alternative recruitment strategy for your existing team in Poland.

If that’s you, please read on.

Check out also: Krakow IT Market Report 2024

With its highly skilled workforce and competitive advantages, recruiting skilled IT professionals in Poland has become a highly sought-after objective for many organizations seeking to expand their engineering capabilities. However, the question remains: How can this be achieved effectively? Exploring various strategies such as in-house recruitment, Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), and agency success fee recruitment becomes essential in determining the most suitable approach.

IT Recruitment projects in Poland usually take between 4 and 8 weeks. After accepting an offer, candidates have a 1-month, or in some cases, 3-month, notice period. Companies adopt four main approaches to sourcing talent in Poland: utilizing an in-house recruitment team, RPO, or staff augmentation services.

IT talent acquisition team

In-house recruitment function

When entering a new market, an obvious choice for many companies is to hire candidates using their own recruitment team. To succeed, a company needs to build a recruitment function in the chosen location. Although it seems doable, hiring with a remote talent acquisition team rarely works.

Building one’s own team, however, is an investment that requires time and can slow down initial growth. Hiring with just an internal team is in most cases slower compared with hiring with external agencies.

Recruiting for senior IT roles can be particularly difficult with only an internal team. The reasons are a limited database, relations with candidates, and a need for in-depth knowledge of the market.

An in-house recruitment scenario may work in certain circumstances. For example, when the demand for recruitment is high in the longer perspective, but a slow start is acceptable. Another case is when there is no budget for external recruitment agency fees.

To decrease the hiring cost, but to keep a fast pace, companies often choose a hybrid mode. It means choosing an agency when they start but continuing with a mix of internal, agency, and potentially RPO consultants.

it recruiter on RPO project

Recruitment agency in Poland

There are numerous local and global IT recruitment agencies operating in Poland. The scope of involvement of the agencies differs from one to another. Usually, it covers advertising the roles, actively attracting candidates, screening interviews, coordinating the recruitment process, and finally extending an offer.

Agencies have experienced technical recruiters on board and professional recruitment tools. Thanks to them, they offer in-depth knowledge of the local IT job market and help to accelerate the hiring process.

Recruitment companies offer various types of recruitment services. Some companies offer a contingency recruitment model, also known as success fee recruitment. Whereas some other agencies offer additional variants such as retained search.

The recruitment agency fee is anywhere between 15% and 25% of the newhire’s annual salary (gross). The value can be different for the most senior roles.

Check out also: MOTIFE contingency recruitment services

IT recruitment agency Poland

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

In addition to traditional external recruitment services, some agencies offer Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO). In an RPO solution, a team of recruitment professionals joins the client's recruitment team. RPO recruitment consultants often use the company’s branding for a seamless candidate experience.

RPO is increasingly popular among companies that have substantial hiring plans. Thanks to RPO services, a company gains know-how and can adjust to fluctuations in recruitment demand. Recruitment process outsourcing allows to manage large waves of hiring. And while the demand is low it gives the flexibility to shrink the team.

The typical fee structure for RPO consists of several components including monthly cost and a reduced placement fee. The monthly cost may cover various additional scope elements such as recruitment administration or recruitment management.

RPO can take many shapes and does not only apply to candidates’ acquisition roles such as sources or recruiters. An entire array of recruitment roles can be subject to the RPO model, including Recruitment Lead or Talent Acquisition Business Partner.

Check out also: MOTIFE RPO services

IT staff augmentation project

Staff augmentation services

Staff augmentation, also known as team augmentation, is a solution when an outsourcing partner provides engineers who join client’s existing teams.

This option differs from a managed service practice that allows outsourcing of a whole project to a third-party provider. With staff augmentation, the candidates are onboarded as members of the company’s team and the project ownership remains in-house.

Staff augmentation is useful when a company cannot or does not want to hire engineers on a traditional employment contract. Typical scenarios are:

  • company is unable to hire a sufficient number of people in a short period of time
  • a project has a budget for a limited time
  • company doesn’t accept B2B agreements with candidates
  • company has a limit on the headcount
  • company doesn’t have a legal entity in Poland to hire permanent employees

There are several models of staff augmentation. Rapid staff augmentation involves the outsourcing of engineers already on the outsourcing partner’s payroll. While dedicated staff augmentation candidates are hired from the market talent pools to match a precise set of skills.

The cost structure of staff augmentation can vary from one outsourcing partner to another.

Most standard models include hourly and daily rates or a markup on monthly gross salary. All models are inclusive of social security, benefits, payroll, and HR support.

Comparison of talent acquisition models

Choosing the right recruitment model for your company can be challenging. That's why we've put together a simple, one-page table that compares different models, tailored to your company's needs. It also includes important things to watch out for. This downloadable resource is designed to make your decision easier and more informed. Download the comparison of Talent acquisition models here.

Comparison of talent acquisition models for download

Learn more about the tech ecosystem in Krakow and Poland by downloading the Krakow IT Market Report 2024

If you are interested in recruitment and staffing services, contact us at MOTIFE to learn more.

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Krakow IT Market Report 2024

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